Women’s Health

Perimenopause: The Fun is Just Beginning!

For some women, hormonal changes are gradual. For others, especially those who go through severe stress or a hysterectomy, there can be a more sudden dropoff in hormones. These changes are perimenopause, which is the slow climb to menopause that occurs around age 50.   This hormone upheaval involves your estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Typically, progesterone starts

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Coffee And Your Hormones: What You Need To Know

The health benefits of coffee, or lack thereof, seems to be a subject that has engaged researchers for years. There are many research articles alluding to the health benefits of coffee, which include lowering breast cancer risk and cardiovascular disease, helping with depression, and reducing Alzheimer’s.  These studies are correlative, meaning they look at lifestyle

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At-Home BRCA Screening For Breast Cancer: Is It A Good Idea?

Have you heard of the BRCA1/2 gene? They are often labeled as the genetic cause of breast cancer. Doctors started running BRCA screenings on their patients, especially if the patient had a family history of breast cancer. The test results, combined with other lifestyle factors, would determine their overall risk and prompt certain patients to

At-Home BRCA Screening For Breast Cancer: Is It A Good Idea? Read More »