I started seeing Dr. Casey Berkebile in Los Gatos at the offices of Naturopathic Family Health, near Good Samaritan Hospital in April 2013. In is August 2013 and I am a changed women for the better.
I came to Dr. Casey feeling like a walking zombie. Though I was eating relatively well and exercising regularly (I ran regularly 12 miles a week), I had no energy. I had regular night sweats, hot flashes, terrible periods and my anxiety was no longer manageable. I had gone to my regular doctor to see is I was pre-menopausal. My doctor did a blood test to confirm that no I was not but offered me progesterone and a yearly DNCs that could help with the symptoms. I tried the progesterone and felt like I was having an out of body experienced where I raged and nearly broke a telephone at my office. NOT GOOD! At that time, it was my chiropractor who suggested that I see a Naturopath.
When I came to Dr. Casey I could barely stay awake in her office chair. She kindly and patiently listened to my story. She asked intelligent questions. I told her that despite my good intentions, I was known for a being a bit stubborn. I liked my coffee and my wine and didn’t want to give up everything if I could avoid it. I know this is going to sound cheesy, but she partnered with me on this journey to better health. She asked me to ‘try’ to reduce my coffee and wine and gave the reasons why it would benefit me. She never told me to stop. I never felt judged for being a coffee drinker. She did a blood test and hormone test to discover that I was very low in some critical areas. She knew I was wary of hormones, even the bio-identical kind, so we started out with vitamins for first two months. I did start feeling better, but my periods were still horrible. By July, we started with the Chinese herbs. OMG, in one month I was completely changed. No hot flashes, no terrible PMS or heavy cramps. My anxiety was back under control. I wish I would have tried the Chinese herbs earlier. As for coffee, I worked my way down to 1 cup a day and decaff or green tea for a second cup when needed. As for wine, I realize that I am prone to drink to much when it is just me and therefore I try to enjoy only with friends.
Now for the practical. My health insurance does not cover the cost of my visits with her, the labs, my vitamins, or my Chinese Herbs. I am lucky to be in a financial position to cover the cost. It is not inexpensive. If your insurance allows you to see a Naturopath as your primary, I was highly recommend it.